Develop teachers’ capacity to provide effective science instruction
Combine features of universal design and inquiry-based science instruction
Create and teach 5E learning cycle science lessons
Professional Development System
The system engages teachers in a series of 5E learning cycles so they can experience the same kind of learning cycle their students will experience during science instruction.
As shown in the figure, the fundamentals modules cover Science Essential Elements (EEs), the 5E Model, and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Those modules are completed first and applied in each EE module.
Research Plan
The introduction of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) by many states raised expectations for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities (SCDs). NGSS includes Science and Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Cross-Cutting Concepts. Students with SCDs are taught and assessed in extended standards that incorporate these three dimensions.
We believe that students with SCDs can learn science and should receive high-quality instruction in academic content aligned to grade-level expectations. However, there was a gap between next-generation science instruction and how special education teachers were trained to teach science. In addition, very few resources were available for teachers to prepare for science instruction of students with SCDs. The 5E-SESE system fills these gaps.
The 5E-SESE system integrates a well-established science teaching model and UDL to make the science content accessible to all students.
- Incorporates three existing, highly successful learning approaches into the 5E-SESE model
- Multi-dimensional NGSS
- 5E model of instruction for inquiry-based learning
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles for accessibility in learning approaches
- Includes self-directed modules and virtual coaching for teachers who teach science to students with SCDs
- Offers coaching support for teachers in developing and implementing lesson plans based on extended NGSS for students with SCDs
As we completed the four phases of the grant-funded development of the 5E-SESE system, we documented all findings and shared outcomes that impacted teacher learning. We shared the products from the 5E-SESE system online and at national conferences for educators and researchers. Explore the following publications and presentations from the 5E-SESE project.
5E-SESE improves science education for students with SCDs by enhancing teacher confidence and fostering a belief in students’ ability to learn science.